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«International Journal of Environmental Problems» – scientific journal.

E-ISSN 2413-7561

Publication frequency – once a year.
Issued from 2015.

2 December 23, 2015

Articles and Statements

1. Michael S. Sokolov, Valery I. Glazko
The Discoverer of the Law "of Diminishing Returns", the Doctrine of Self-regulation and Self-development of Healthy Soil

International Journal of Environmental Problems, 2015, Vol. (2), Is. 2, pp. 78-96.
DOI: 10.13187/ijep.2015.2.78CrossRef

The origins of the formation of national soil science in connection with history of science and the fate of P.A. Kostychev were discussed. The work of social mobility in Imperial Russia, in particular, the right to the opportunity to receive higher education was reflected. Kostychev was the first who introduce a new concept of science as the naturalistic discipline, as the science of the soil shell of the Earth. He was the first, who considered the soil and as a natural product, and as the source of life on Earth. He was the first, owning methods of Biochemistry and Microbiology, experimentally investigated the influence of bacteria, fungi and mesofauna on decomposition of plant residues and their transformation in soil humus. Kostychev was the first, who raised the question about the health of the soil, which could be used only at the beginning of XX1 century, and the first tied the sustainable management of soils to food security of the country. Erosion is the main problem faced by the world globally. Erosion causes loss of organic matter, which, in turn, leads to loss of soil fertility, and this directly affects the reproduction of vegetative cover and food safety. Small changes in the amount of carbon in the soil can have a huge impact on the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The possibility of managing the soil properly can lead to limit the increase of carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere and even reduce it. This question is relevant for all countries. Kostychev was the leadership in the development of ideas that microbiota was the biological basis of soil fertility. The uniqueness and contemporary relevance of integrated approaches of Kostychev to assessments of soil fertility and ways of its improvement was reflected. The main investigation results, obtaining by P. A. Kostychev, continuity and relevance of his scientific activities, in spite of the forgetfulness of the scientific descendants, was discussed.

URL: http://www.ejournal33.com/journals_n/1453395247.pdf
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2. Valery I. Glazko
Dmitry Nicolaevitch Pryanishnikov, Russian scientist – traditions, problems...

International Journal of Environmental Problems, 2015, Vol. (2), Is. 2, pp. 97-116.
DOI: 10.13187/ijep.2015.2.97CrossRef

The article highlights the scale of the personality of D.N. Pryanishnikov as a bright representative of the galaxy of the founders of the best traditions of the Petrovskaya Academy of science and of agronomy. His outstanding role as a citizen of Russia, the Creator of the moral-philosophical position of the Russian scientist were shown and his possibility to go to the end in the struggle for scientific truth, what was the noble sense of civic duty to the mother country, growing out of the mentality of Russian ethnos. Mighty roots of the spirit of Russian scientist spirit had allowed D.N. Pryanishnikov to do the outstanding contribution on the international level in the development of scientific agriculture in our country, the theory and practice of agrochemistry, agriculture and crop production. The stages and the results of years of scientific researches of scientist were presented. Thanks to the work of D.N. Pryanishnikov, achievements of agricultural chemistry in Russia had gained worldwide recognition and priority in the resolution of many problems: the importance of nitrogen, phosphate and potash in plant nutrition, application of nitrogenous, phosphoric and potassium fertilizers, liming of soils, use of green and other local fertilizers. The contribution of the agro-chemical scientific school of D.N. Pryanishnikov in the development of ideas and directions of agricultural chemistry development, in the physiology of plant nutrition, as well as the production and use of fertilizers in our country was demonstrated. D.N. Pryanishnikov was the “conscience” of science. The public confrontation D.N. Pryanishnikov to T.D. Lysenko, who as President of the agricultural Sciences Academy had turned into the "Department of barriers" to the development of science and technology in the country was discussed. He had great courage, love of freedom and the courage to achieve, with danger to own live, the restatement of the cases A.G. Doyarenko, S. Gerken, N.I. Vavilov and many other outstanding scientists of Russia.

URL: http://ejournal33.com/journals_n/1453198307.pdf
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3. Alla A. Okolelova, Nadezda A. Rachimova, Galina S. Egorova, Nadezda G. Kasterina, Veronika N. Zaikina
Influence of Hydrogels on Productivity of Light-brown Soils

International Journal of Environmental Problems, 2015, Vol. (2), Is. 2, pp. 117-135.
DOI: 10.13187/ijep.2015.2.117CrossRef

One of the directions of optimization of water strategy and increase of efficiency, quality and stability of soils is use of hydrogel for regulation of water-streams in the soil. Hydrogel makes sorption of the water which is in the soil in a condition of the thermodynamic potential close to zero. It allows to reduce loss of water from the soil by physical evaporation and an excess transpiration of plants as right after moistening the potential of water decreases at the expense of the gel incorporating gravitational and partially capillary water. After moistening, water from hydrogel gradually comes to the soil. The water expenditure plants occurs economically by stomatal regulation of transpiration. Therefore the coefficient of transpiration is significantly less, than without hydrogel. The perspective sphere of their use is production of moisture-holding preparations for needs of agriculture, decorative and homestead plant growing. Polyacrylamide hydrogel is a heterogeneous system as which disperse phase the spatial grid formed by polymer macromolecules serves. It represents the sewed copolymer of acrylamide and acrylic acid, insoluble in water. Under the influence of granule water quickly bulk up, holding thus in hundreds of times bigger, in relation to the weight, its quantity and nutritious elements containing in it. Results of pilot studies showed possibility of use of hydrogels for improvement of moisture-holding ability of soils. Introduction of preparations on the basis of polyacrylamide to the soil of arid regions has the expressed positive influence on growth and a survival of plants. Broad use of acrylic polymers is limited to the high cost of such preparations. Poliakrilamidny gel can be considered as the potential carrier for insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and fertilizers. Hydrophilic polymers (hydrogels) can change properties of the soil thanks to ability to adsorb the large amount of water in 400 and more times exceeding own weight (or more than 1 liter of water on 1 gram of dry polymer) that, in turn, influences the speed of an infiltration and evaporation, density and structure of the soil. We studied sorption properties of hydrogels of two brands «Akrileks P–150» and «Acros» with various molecular weight. When studying these brands of hydrogel direct dependence of the bulking-up ability on their molecular weight is revealed. Positive influence of hydrogels on a crop of a garden radish (Raphanus sativus) in the light brown soil is established. Efficiency of use of hydrogels in the light brown soil is higher in not irrigated conditions. The prolonged effect of hydrogel in the light brown soil is defined. The structural condition of soils improves when using hydrogel both in irrigated and in not irrigated conditions.

URL: http://ejournal33.com/journals_n/1453198747.pdf
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4. Anatoly P. Endovitsky, Valery P. Kalinichenko, Tatiana M. Minkina
Carbonate Calcium Equilibrium in Soil Solution as a Driver of Heavy Metals Mobility

International Journal of Environmental Problems, 2015, Vol. (2), Is. 2, pp. 136-153.
DOI: 10.13187/ijep.2015.2.136CrossRef

The thermodynamic model is proposed of heavy metals state in nosaline chernozem common carbonate of steppe zone of South Russia. The climate is continental semiarid, annual precipitation of 500–550 mm. The parent rocks are Carbonate and Carbonate-sulfate loess-like loam and clay. The chernozem common is thick, not solonized, humus 4.2%, physical clay 49.3%, clay 31.3%, CaCO3 0.14% (up to 3–6% at the depth of 1,3–1,6 m), pH = 7.8, exchangeable cations: Ca2+ – 342 mmol kg-1, Mg2+ – 27 mmol kg-1, Na+ – 6 mmol kg-1. The soil section in autoromorphic landscape. The soil solution water extract analyzed by standard methods. The state of ions in soil solution is influenced by ion association. The method of ion pairs in water solution is used. At high ionic force in soil solution are formed electrically neutral ion pairs СаСО3°; CaSO4°, MgCO3°, MgSO4°, charged ion pairs CaHCO3 +, MgHCO3 +, NaCO3 -, NaSO4 -, CaOH+, MgOH+. On the basis of of ion pair’s method the algorithms and computer programs were developed to calculate the real equilibrium forms of ions in the soil solution. The concentration of free and associated macro-ion’s forms were calculated by iteration procedure according to analytical ion concentration considering ion material balance, linear interpolation of equilibrium constants, Method of ionic pairs, laws of: initial concentration preservation, operating masses of equilibrium system. Concentration constants of ion pair dissociation were calculated following the law of operating masses. Were determined the quantity of macro-ion free form and coefficient of ion association γe as a ratio of ions free form to its analytical content e ass an   C / C . To interpret a behavior of heavy metal in soil solution two appraches are proposed: an additional equation for microelement to the mathematical model of macro-ions; an individual equation for microelement based on calculated quantities of macro-ions and their forms after the solution of mathematical model equations for macro-ions. The latter approach is reasonable because the quantity of microelement is for 100–1000 times less of quantity of macro-ions, and on this reason the contribution of microelement into the value of soil solution ionic strength is negligible. Besides, the latter approach help to reduce the number of equations in the system of equation, thus the calculation procedure is simpler, reliability of calculation is higher. To characterize Cd2+ Pb2+ ion’s binding was proposed the ratio of heavy metal ion’s association degree – the coefficient of association kas Me. To To characterize Sr2+ ion association an additional equation for Sr2+ was encluded to material balance equation system. The models were tested on the data of laboratory and field experiment in Krasndar krii, chernozem common, phosphogypsum utilization at dose of 10–40 t ha- in the soil layer of 20–50, 30–60 cm. According to the model, the molar fractions of associated calcium and magnesium are 2.0–6.1% (Ca2+) and 1.4–6.6% (Mg2+), carbonate and sulfate – 27.7–57.7%, 6.3–12.9%. The Cd2+ association coefficient is of 0.919–1.243. The association coefficient of Pb2+ is 25.193–31.207. At the phosphogipsum dose of 40 t/ha the molar fraction of the active concentration of free ions is: Cd2+ – 28.0–38.1%; Pb2+ – 3.66–5.06. The level of the Sr2+ ion binding into associates in original soil is 1.5%, after apply of phosphogypsum increases respectively to dose for 12.5; 15.0; 19.3%. The activity of the Sr2+ ion in the control variant is 83.3%, after apply of phosphogypsum it is of 60.4%; 55.6%; 48.4% respectively. The recycling of phosphogypsum in soil is ecology safe, concentration of heavy metals supplied to the soil with phosphogypsum are lower than Clark. Utilization of pollutant increases the soil fertility, ensures the environmental stability of soil and landscape, gives high biological production of soil and recreational result.

URL: http://ejournal33.com/journals_n/1453198870.pdf
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5. Le Hung Trinh
Temporal Dynamics of Land Surface Temperature in Dry Season 2014 – 2015 in Lam Ha district, Lam Dong province in Central Highlands, Vietnam From LANDSAT 8 TIRS Time Series Images

International Journal of Environmental Problems, 2015, Vol. (2), Is. 2, pp. 154-165.
DOI: 10.13187/ijep.2015.2.154CrossRef

Located in Southeast Asia, Vietnam is one of the most severely affected countries by climate change and faces to series of challenges related to climate change such as rising sea level, drought and flood. Drought is a natural phenomenon, which occurs in most regions in the world, caused immense damage in agricultural production and seriously affected on the environment. Land surface temperature is one of the most important factors in the evaluation of soil moisture to monitor drought phenomenon. LANDSAT thermal infrared images can be used to retrieve temperature. This article presents study on the application of LANDSAT 8 multi – temporal thermal infrared image for monitoring land surface temperature changes in dry season 2014 – 2015 in Central Highlands of Vietnam. The results obtained in this study can be used to create the land surface temperature distribution map and to monitor drought phenomenon.

URL: http://ejournal33.com/journals_n/1453198951.pdf
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6. Viktor F. Starcev, Valery P. Kalinichenko
Utilization of Biological Waste by Biogeosystem Technics Method

International Journal of Environmental Problems, 2015, Vol. (2), Is. 2, pp. 166-182.
DOI: 10.13187/ijep.2015.2.166CrossRef

The cause of dangerous human environment is degradation of biological waste disposal measures, in particular, slaughtering waste. The method is proposed for disposal of slaughtering waste, which includes their grinding, rotary milling intra-soil machining ripper with cutters on a horizontal shaft-driven, feeding the water pulp of slaughtering waste into the soil, the distribution of slaughtering waste pulp within the soil during its rotary milling subsurface loosening. Disposable slaughtering waste’s particle size of 2–5 mm are mixing with water or containing disinfectant water at a ratio from 1: 1 to 3: 5. The resulting pulp is made into the soil at a depth of 30–50 (40–80) cm while soil rotary milling intra-soil machining. The soil’s particle size is of 1–25 mm. The soil-pulp mix ratio is from 1:6 to 1:20. The topsoil following the passage of the rotor drive is treated with disinfectant. The method allows recycling the slaughtering waste according to the priority of secondary resources processing over their dumping and incineration. Are breaking the food chains of dangerous biological objects and pathogens by reliable burial at a depth of at least 30 cm; accelerating decomposition of biological material utilized by increasing biological active of soil, particulate biological material distribution in the disperse system of soil; increasing the surface contact of biological material with soil; stimulating activity of decomposers – native soil saprophytes. A high animal health and environmental effect, low energy consumption, high biological effect is obtained.

URL: http://ejournal33.com/journals_n/1453199050.pdf
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URL: http://www.ejournal33.com/journals_n/1453395229.pdf
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